Creating an experiment

The typical workflow using experimentator is relatively straightforward:

  1. Create an Experiment instance.
  2. Run the experiment using the command-line interface.
  3. Inspect, analyze or export the resulting data.

Constructor methods

The most general way to create an Experiment is to use, but there are a number of other methods that may be easier for many use cases.

Simple constructor methods

These methods construct Experiment instances based on common experimental designs.

  • Experiment.within_subjects: Construct an experiment with levels 'participant' and 'trial', and IVs only at the 'trial' level. For example:

    >>> from experimentator import Experiment, order
    ... independent_variables = {
    ...     'side': ['left', 'right'],
    ...     'display_time': [0.1, 0.55, 1],
    ... }
    ... experiment = Experiment.within_subjects(
    ...     independent_variables,
    ...     n_participants=20,
    ...     ordering=order.Shuffle(10)
    ... )

    The above creates a 2 (side) by 3 (display time) within-subjects experiment, with 10 trials of each condition and 20 participants. Trials will be shuffled within participants.

  • Experiment.blocked: Construct an experiment with levels 'participant', 'block', and 'trial', with IVs at the 'trial' level (and optionally at the 'block' level also). The following constructs an experiment identical to the previous example, except with each participant’s 60 trials split into two blocks:

    >>> from experimentator import Experiment, order
    ... independent_variables = {
    ...     'side': ['left', 'right'],
    ...     'display_time': [0.1, 0.55, 1],
    ... }
    >>> experiment = Experiment.blocked(
    ...     independent_variables,
    ...     n_participants=20,
    ...     orderings={
    ...         'trial': order.Shuffle(5),
    ...         'participant': order.Ordering(2),
    ...     }
    ... )

    In the above example, it doesn’t matter what ordering method we use at the 'block' level; since there are no block-level IVs, all blocks are identical. We could, alternatively, introduce an IV at the block level:

    >>> from experimentator import Experiment, order
    ...  independent_variables = {
    ...     'side': ['left', 'right'],
    ...     'display_time': [0.1, 0.55, 1],
    ... }
    >>> experiment = Experiment.blocked(
    ...     independent_variables,
    ...     block_ivs={'difficulty': ['easy', 'hard']}
    ...     n_participants=20,
    ...     orderings={'trial': order.Shuffle(5)}
    ... )

    In this example, we introduced the IV 'difficulty' with two levels. Since we didn’t specify an ordering for blocks, Shuffle(1) will be used. In other words, each participant will experience one 'easy' and one 'hard' block, in a random order.

  • Experiment.basic: Construct an experiment with arbitrary levels but a homogeneous structure. This constructor can handle any experimental structure, with the exception of heterogeneity. For example, to create the same blocked experiment as in the previous example:

    >>> from experimentator import Exeriment, order
    >>> independent_variables = {
    ...     'trial': {
    ...         'side': ['left', 'right'],
    ...         'display_time': [0.1, 0.55, 1],
    ...     },
    ...     'block': {'difficulty': ['easy', 'hard']},
    ... }
    >>> experiment = Experiment.basic(
    ...     ('participant', 'block', 'trial'),
    ...     independent_variables,
    ...     ordering_by_level={
    ...         'participant': order.Ordering(20),
    ...         'trial': order.Shuffle(5),
    ...     }
    ... )

    Again, the default Shuffle(1) will be used at the 'block' level.

    We could also use Experiment.basic to make a mixed-design experiment, by adding a new IV at the 'participant' level:

    >>> from experimentator import Exeriment, Shuffle
    >>> independent_variables = {
    ...     'trial': {
    ...         'side': ['left', 'right'],
    ...         'display_time': [0.1, 0.55, 1],
    ...     },
    ...     'block': {'difficulty': ['easy', 'hard']},
    ...     'participant': {'vision': ['monocular', 'binocular']},
    ... }
    >>> experiment = Experiment.basic(
    ...     ('participant', 'block', 'trial'),
    ...     independent_variables,
    ...     ordering_by_level={
    ...         'participant': Shuffle(20),
    ...         'trial': Shuffle(5),
    ...     }
    ... )

    In addition to adding the IV 'vision' at the 'participant' level, we also changed the 'participant' ordering from Ordering to Shuffle in order to assign participants to conditions randomly. Note that we kept the number parameter on the 'participant' ordering at 20; this means our experiment will now require 40 participants, since there will be 2 conditions at the 'participant' level.

Specification-based constructor methods

Experimentator provides a dictionary-based specification format for creating new Experiment instances. There are two relevant constructor methods: Experiment.from_dict constructs an Experiment given a dictionary, and Experiment.from_yaml_file constructs an Experiment given the path to a file containing the specification in YAML format.

The specification is the same for both. Central to the specification format is specifying a DesignTree and its constituent Design instances.

Design specification format

See also

More information on the Design concept.
The method that implements the construction of a Design from a specification dictionary.

A single Design instance can be created from a dictionary (either a Python dict or read from a YAML file via Experiment.from_yaml_file). The dictionary can contain any of the following keys, all optional:

  • 'name': The name of the level.

  • 'ivs': The designs’s independent variables. Can be a dictionary mapping IV names to possible IV values, or a list of (name, values) tuples. See Independent variables. If 'ivs' is not specified, the design will have no IVs.

  • 'order' or 'ordering': The design’s ordering method. Can be specified in three ways:

    • as a string, interpreted as a class name in the order module;
    • as a dictionary, with the key 'class' containing the class name and the rest of the items containing keyword arguments to its constructor; or
    • as a sequence, with the first item containing the class name and the rest of the items containing positional arguments to its constructor.

    If no ordering is specified, the default is Shuffle (Ordering if a design matrix is used).

  • 'n' or 'number': The number argument to the specified ordering class can be specified here (or as part of the ordering specification).

  • 'design_matrix': An array-like (e.g., a list of lists) specifying a design matrix to use at this level. See Design matrices.

  • Any remaining fields are passed to the Design constructor as the extra_data argument. These values are associated with any sections created under this design. For example, you could pass {'practice': True} to practice blocks, to mark them as such.

For example, the following creates a Design instance equivalent to the one at the 'trial' level in the previous example (of Experiment.basic):

>>> from experimentator import Design
>>> level_name, design = Design.from_dict(dict(
...     name='trial',
...     ivs={
...         'side': ['left', 'right'],
...         'display_time': [0.1, 0.55, 1],
...     },
...     ordering='Shuffle',
...     n=5,
... ))

For internal reasons, Design.from_dict outputs the level name as well as the Design object. This shouldn’t be too important, because you will probably not be calling Design.from_dict directly, but rather using the dictionary format within Experiment.from_dict or Experiment.from_yaml_file.

DesignTree specification format

See also

The method that implements this specification.

To create an Experiment, multiple Design instances are needed, collected under a single DesignTree. This can also be done with a relatively simple specification format.

To create a DesignTree with a homogeneous structure, simply create a list of dictionaries, each specifying the Design of one level, ordered from top to bottom. For example, to create the DesignTree equivalent to the Experiment.basic mixed-design example above:

>>> from experimentator import DesignTree
>>> tree = DesignTree.from_spec([
...     dict(name='participant',
...          ivs={'vision': ['monocular', 'binocular']},
...          n=20),
...     dict(name='block',
...          ivs={'difficulty': ['easy', 'hard']}),
...     dict(name='trial',
...          ivs={
...              'side': ['left', 'right'],
...              'display_time': [0.1, 0.55, 1]},
...          n=5),
... ])

This example takes advantage of the default ordering of Shuffle for all three levels.

A DesignTree can also be constructed with a list of (level_name, level_design) tuples, though the specification format is more convenient as it can be used as part of the Experiment specification format.

Creating heterogeneous structures is a little more tricky; it will be described below.

Experiment specification format

Once you can build a specification input suitable for DesignTree.from_spec, constructing an Experiment is straightforward. Create a dictionary with the following keys:

  • 'design': The DesignTree spec goes here (the list of dictionaries described above). This is the only required key.
  • 'file' or 'filename': Use this field to associate your experiment with a data file. This is saved in the Experiment.filename attribute. Note that the Experiment will not be saved automatically; you still have to call
  • Any remaining fields will be saved as a dictionary in Experiment.experiment_data. This is a good place to put local configuration that you read during a callback.

Using YAML

All the nested lists and dictionaries required for Experiment.from_dict can be unwieldy. An alternative is Experiment.from_yaml_file, which allows you to save your specification in an external file. YAML is a file-format designed to be both human- and computer-readable.

Porting the previous mixed-design example into a YAML file would look like this:

  - name: participant
      vision: [monocular, binocular]
    n: 20

  - name: block
      difficulty: [easy, hard]

  - name: trial
      side: [left, right]
      display_time: [0.1, 0.55, 1]
    n: 5

filename: mixed_experiment.exp

The only new piece of information here is the filename. It probably makes sense to include the filename in your YAML file, so you have a record of which data file is associated with the YAML file.

You can then create instantiate an Experiment, assuming the YAML above is stored in mixed_experiment.yaml:

>>> from experimentator import Experiment
>>> experiment = Experiment.from_yaml_file('mixed_experiment.yaml')


This method is specifically for creating an Experiment from scratch. The data format used by for saving an in-progress experiment is also YAML, but using a different syntax, so it could be confused. This is why we recommend a different file suffix (our examples use .exp). The in-progress experiment file with the .exp suffix will still contain YAML data, but it will be less likely to be confused with the YAML file passed to Experiment.from_yaml_file.

Constructing an Experiment from a DesignTree

A final option for constructing an Experiment is to pass a DesignTree directly to the general constructor For example, the following code would create the same Experiment as the previous example:

>>> from experimentator import DesignTree, Experiment
>>> tree = DesignTree.from_spec([
...     dict(name='participant',
...          ivs={'vision': ['monocular', 'binocular']},
...          n=20),
...     dict(name='block',
...          ivs={'difficulty': ['easy', 'hard']}),
...     dict(name='trial',
...          ivs={
...              'side': ['left', 'right'],
...              'display_time': [0.1, 0.55, 1]},
...          n=5),
... ])
>>> experiment =, filename='mixed_experiment.exp')

Constructing heterogeneous experiments

As we’ve noted, constructing a heterogenous Experiment is a bit more complicated. To expand on the above example, let’s imagine we want to create a two-session experiment. The first session contains only one block, with only easy trials. The second session will then contain an easy and a hard block. Furthermore, we would like to add four practice trials at the beginning of each session.

Heterogeneity is created at the level of the DesignTree. Remember how we built a DesignTree as a list of dictionaries? To create a heterogeneous DesignTree, we need multiple lists of dictionaries. We use a dictionary, where each value is a list of dictionaries (specifying an internally homogeneous section of the tree), and the keys give names to these sub-trees.

Experimentator will create the DesignTree by starting at the sub-tree with the key 'main'. When it reaches the bottom of this sub-tree, it decides how to continue by looking for a special IV named 'design'. If this IV exists, it uses its value to decide which sub-tree to use next. When it reaches the end of these sub-trees, if there is an IV called 'design' it again uses it to determine which sub-tree to use next. If there is no IV called 'design', then three tree ends. In other words, the possible values of the 'design' IV should be names of sub-trees.

For example, let’s make our experiment more complex by adding practice trials and two different session types. We’ll add the practice trials by creating a new level called 'section', with the first section of each session proceeding to the practice trials, and the second into the experimental blocks.

We’ll use the Experiment.from_yaml_file format:

    - name: participant
        vision: [monocular, binocular]
      n: 20

    - name: session
        design: [first_session, second_session]
      ordering: Ordering

    - name: section
        design: [practice, first_experimental_section]
      ordering: Ordering

    - name: section
        design: [practice, second_experimental_section]
      ordering: Ordering

    - name: trial
        difficulty: [easy]
        side: [left, right]
        display_time: [0.1, 1]
      practice: True

    - name: trial
        difficulty: [easy]
        side: [left, right]
        display_time: [0.1, 0.55, 1]
      n: 10
      practice: False

    - name: block
        difficulty: [easy, hard]

    - name: trial
        side: [left, right]
        display_time: [0.1, 0.55, 1]
      n: 5
      practice: False

filename: mixed_experiment.dat

Now we have a complex, heterogeneous experiment. Each participant will have two sessions; each session will start with four practice trials (a cross of two levels of the IV 'side', two levels of the IV 'display_time', and one level of the IV 'easy'). The first session will include, after the practice section, sixty trials all with difficulty 'easy'. The second session will include, after the practice session, two blocks in random order, the first with difficulty 'easy' and the second 'hard', each with 30 trials. To make this happen we created four sub-trees in addition to the 'main tree.

Note that we added the custom key 'practice' to the 'trial' level, to be able to more easily identify practice and experimental trials later (Alternatively, we could separate them later by looking for trials with section==2 and ignoring trials with section==1). Also note that we use the Ordering method to produce a predictable order of the sub-trees. Otherwise, Shuffle is the default and we would get our sub-trees in a random order. Sometimes this is what we want, however. Because sub-trees are determined based on IV values, we can manipulate them in the same way as with other IVs, with ordering methods, design matrices, and even crossing them with other “normal” IVs.

It is not necessary to have the same level names for all possible routes down the tree. In this example, there are no blocks in the first session (or the practice section of the second session, for that matter). However, it is critical that all IVs get assigned a value in one place or another. In this example, the only place that the IV 'difficulty' can take the value 'hard' is at the 'block' level of the second session. In other places on the design tree, we have to create an IV 'difficulty' with only one level ('easy') to ensure that we never generate a trial without assigning a value to the IV 'difficulty'.

Manually modifying experiments

Another way to create complex experiment structures is to first construct a simple experiment, then manually modify it. For example, you can use the method ExperimentSection.append_child to add a child under any given section, or ExperimentSection.append_design_tree to add an entire sub-tree. See these methods’ docstrings for details. Be sure to call after to make the changes permanent.

Design matrices

In all the examples so far, we’ve only specified possible IV values; we let experimentator handle the creation of conditions of them. Experimentator will use a full factorial cross, constructing a condition for every possible combination of IV values. Sometimes this isn’t what we want, though. In a fractional factorial design, for example, only a subset of the possible combinations are used. We can specify these, and other, designs in experimentator using design matrices.

The support for design matrices in experimenator is designed to be compatible with the Python library pyDOE. This is a library that allows for easy creation of various common design matrices.

Design matrices can be specified during the creation of Design objects. This is the same place where IVs are specified when using the Specification-based constructor methods.

Each column of the design matrix is associated with one IV; a design matrix should have the same number of columns as the number of IVs in the design at that level. The order of IVs is important when using design matrices; because dictionaries in Python have no inherent order, OrderedDict should be used when defining IVs with design matrices, or alternatively IVs can be specified as a list of tuples (see the IV docs).

Each row of the design matrix is one condition, and the values of the matrix are interpreted in one of two ways:

  • If the levels of an IV are passed as None rather than a list, then the IV is assumed to take arbitrary, continuous values. The values in the associated column of the design matrix are then interpreted at “face value”.
  • Otherwise, each value in the design matrix is interpreted as an index, determining which value to take from the list of possible IV values. Experimentator is smart about this and only cares about the relative value of these “indices”. For example, if a design matrix column contains the values 0 and 1, they will be associated with the first and second IV values, respectively. Alternatively, if the column contains 1 and 2, then 1 will be associated with the first and 2 the second IV value.

A design matrix can also specify the order of conditions, by the order of its rows. For this reason, the default ordering method is Ordering when a design matrix is used. Change this to Shuffle, for example, if you instead want the rows of the design matrix to appear in a random order.

Here is an example of using a Box-Behnken design with pyDOE:

>>> import pyDOE
>>> from experimentator import Design
>>> design_matrix = pyDOE.bbdesign(3)
>>> print(design_matrix)
[[-1. -1.  0.]
 [ 1. -1.  0.]
 [-1.  1.  0.]
 [ 1.  1.  0.]
 [-1.  0. -1.]
 [ 1.  0. -1.]
 [-1.  0.  1.]
 [ 1.  0.  1.]
 [ 0. -1. -1.]
 [ 0.  1. -1.]
 [ 0. -1.  1.]
 [ 0.  1.  1.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.]]
>>> trial_design = Design.from_dict(dict(
...     ivs=[('target_size', [10, 20, 30]),
...          ('target_speed', [5, 10, 20]),
...          ('target_position', None)],
...     design_matrix=design_matrix,
... ))
>>> # The following is just to demonstrate the conditions that are created.
>>> # These methods are usually called behind the scenes.
>>> trial_design.first_pass()
IndependentValue(name=(), values=())
>>> trial_design.get_order()
[{'target_position': 0.0, 'target_size': 10, 'target_speed': 5},
 {'target_position': 0.0, 'target_size': 30, 'target_speed': 5},
 {'target_position': 0.0, 'target_size': 10, 'target_speed': 20},
 {'target_position': 0.0, 'target_size': 30, 'target_speed': 20},
 {'target_position': -1.0, 'target_size': 10, 'target_speed': 10},
 {'target_position': -1.0, 'target_size': 30, 'target_speed': 10},
 {'target_position': 1.0, 'target_size': 10, 'target_speed': 10},
 {'target_position': 1.0, 'target_size': 30, 'target_speed': 10},
 {'target_position': -1.0, 'target_size': 20, 'target_speed': 5},
 {'target_position': -1.0, 'target_size': 20, 'target_speed': 20},
 {'target_position': 1.0, 'target_size': 20, 'target_speed': 5},
 {'target_position': 1.0, 'target_size': 20, 'target_speed': 20},
 {'target_position': 0.0, 'target_size': 20, 'target_speed': 10},
 {'target_position': 0.0, 'target_size': 20, 'target_speed': 10},
 {'target_position': 0.0, 'target_size': 20, 'target_speed': 10}]

Design.get_order (usually called behind the scenes) gives us a list of conditions, each a dictionary. We can see here the correspondence between the design matrix and the conditions. Because we used None with 'target_position', its values are taken directly from the matrix. For the other IVs, the values are taken from the list of possible values that we defined them with.


Up to this point, we’ve explained how to create an experiment of arbitrary complexity. But presumably you actually something to happen when you run a trial. This is accomplished with callbacks. In general, a callback is a function that you supply that is automatically triggered at a certain time. There are two types of callbacks in experimentator, the function callbacks and context-managers. Both are set with Experiment.add_callback.


Be sure to save your experiment to disk after setting a callback, using, to make the changes permanent.


Experimentator does not store the callbacks with your Experiment, but rather every time you load your experiment, the callbacks are re-imported. Experimentator looks for a Python file with the same name as the functions were originally defined in. As a result, the data file exported by is not sufficient when you want to move an experiment between computers. You will also need to move the Python file(s) in which any callbacks are defined.

Experiment.add_callback also takes optional keyword arguments func_name and func_module that you can set to tell experimentator where to look for the callback.

Function callbacks

The most basic callbacks are function callbacks. A function callback runs at the start of every section at its level. Most commonly, this is used at the trial level to set the “trial function”; on other words, the behavior of every trial.

Callbacks should take two positional arguments. It will be passed the current Experiment and ExperimentSection instances, respectively. Everything that the run callback might need to know can be taken from these arguments. Here are the most useful attributes:

  • This is the ChainMap that contains the condition (IV values) for the currently running trial. It also includes the section numbers, for example['trial'] will get the current trial number.
  • Experiment.experiment_data: This is a dictionary that you can use to store persistent data that every callback will have access to. By default, it is empty, but you can put data in here and it will always be available, even across sessions of the Python interpreter. This means that everything you put here must be picklable, so not everything will work.
  • Experiment.session_data: This is where you can store data that is only persistent within the current session of the Python interpreter. Every time Python exits, this dictionary is emptied. This means you can store data here even if it is not picklable. This is the place to store external resources like multimedia data. You can reload these resources during a context-manager callback.

The callback should return a dictionary, mapping dependent variable (DV) names to values. The DV names are only used to label the columns in the final representation of the experiment’s data, Experiment.dataframe.

Set function callbacks using the Experiment.add_callback method. You can also pass this method arbitrary positional and keyword arguments. Therefore, the full signature for a callback is func(experiment, section, *args, **kwargs), where func (the callback itself), *args, and **kwargs, are arguments to Experiment.add_callback.


The second type of callback is the context manager. The name context manager is taken from the Python standard library, where they are referred to as With Statement Context Managers (the with statement is one way to use context managers, but it is not generally used to create them). Fundamentally, a context manager specifies behavior that should occur before something, and behavior that should occur after. In experimentator, the idea is that you will use context managers to define behavior that occurs before, between, and after sections of the experiment. One may want to open external resources (e.g., a sound file) at the beginning of each session, and close them afterward, for example. Another common use case would be to offer a break between blocks.

The most verbose way to create a context manager is to make a class that contains the magic methods __enter__ and __exit__ with “before” and “after” behavior, respectively. See Context Manager Types.

A much more convenient way is to use the contextlib.contextmanager decorator in the standard library. See the documentation for details, but it works like this: first you code the “before” behavior, then the keyword yield, then the “after” behavior. Here is an example context manager that offers a break between blocks:

from contextlib import contextmanager

def offer_break(experiment, section):
    # Don't need to offer a break before the first block.
    if['block'] > 1:
        input('Take a break if you would like.\nPress ENTER when you are ready to continue.')

    print('Block {} completed.'.format(['block']))

As you see, the signature of a context manager is the same as the signature of a function callback. All the same data in the Experiment and ExperimentSection objects are also available to context managers.


In the above example, we could make the offer_break function work on any level of the experiment. Every ExperimentSection stores its level name in the attribute level. If we replace['block'] with[section.level] (we’d want to change the print message as well), then we could use offer_break at multiple levels.

Context-manager callbacks have the same signature as regular function callbacks, and are the added the same way. The only exception is to pass the keyword argument is_context=True to Experiment.add_callback.

With both types of callback, pass the level name to Experiment.add_callback. Continuing the previous example:

experiment.add_callback('block', offer_break, is_context=True)

If you are using the context manager to close resources, it may be a good idea to use a try-finally block (see Defining Clean-up Actions) to ensure that the resource is still closed in the case of an exception occurring. Here is an example that loads audio using the library pyglet:

from contextlib import contextmanager
import pyglet

def load_audio(experiment, section):
    player =
    source ='background_music.mp3')

    # Make the Player available to other callbacks by saving it in session_data.
    experiment.session_data['player'] = player

        # Run the section.

        # This block will run even if an error occurs during the try block.
        # If no error occurs, it will run after the section ends.


This example is just for illustration. Pyglet is actually smart enough to delete player for you when the Python interpreter exits.

An alternative to manually editing Experiment.session_data is to put objects after the yield keyword. Anything yielded by a context manager is stored in experiment.session_data[level_name] for the duration of the session. In the above example, if we have yield player, then we can access player from other callbacks as experiment.session_data['session'] (assuming load_audio is set as the context manager of the level 'session').